Thursday, June 28, 2012

Insignificant in light of the infinite

It was a beautiful, clear day.  The waves of Lake Michigan crashed against the pier as the vibrant blue water stretched out until it kissed the sky.  Families stopped to feed the ducks while fishermen cast their lines into the water.  It was the kind of scene that seemed to be cut straight out of a movie.  

As we walked down the pier extending into the lake, Kristy was overwhelmed by the beauty of God.  I know that she was because she crouched down and pointed out into the water and explained to Elijah that God is the One who is so creative and beautiful that He not only created this amazing, gigantic body of water, but also the very day that we were enjoying was created by God for us to glorify Him by exploring His creation. 

When Kristy was explaining to Elijah how beautiful and creative God is, I was taken back some because I was staring out at this massive body of water lost in wonder about how big and powerful and good God is.  There’s just something about being confronted with the majesty of one of the Great Lakes that has a way of putting me in my place; that is: understanding that I am very, very small in light of who God is.  And in Milwaukee when you walk out on a pier into Lake Michigan, in front of you is this gigantic lake, and when you turn around, you see this majestic skyline.  It’s just one of those experiences that captivates your attention by seeing the glory of God. 

While this scene played out before my eyes, in the back of my mind I had another reason to feel small.  As we enjoyed a leisurely stroll on a sunny afternoon as a family, my church family back home was engaging in some serious service to our community through faithworks.  I don’t know how many people participated, but from what I read, over 100 work projects were completed, some 200,000 meals packed for starving kids, and 40 people baptized.  How incredible?!! 

Why would this make me feel small?  Because it all happened without me!  Faithworks happened without me, Faith Community Church is still going gang-busters without me, and the churches that I am connecting with down here are doing some great things without me! 

Living in this tension of recognizing that I am indispensable – and yet infinitely valuable because of what Christ has done for me – is living in freedom.  Jesus promised that He would build His church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it.  Jesus is building His church.  Jesus is holding the universe together.  God is reconciling a lost and broken humanity to himself through Christ.  It is His work for His glory.  And because He is good, He lets us in. 

The Kingdom doesn’t hinge on me.  The world will not tilt off its axis because I’m not plugged in.  This is such good news to all who desire to invest their lives in things that will matter, and matter forever.  If we understand this truth right, it won’t lull us into complacency, it will thrust is into faith-filled service.  If you love God, if your heart has been gripped by the greatness of God and your ultimate desire is to be close to Him and see Him move, then you are going to want to join in His work.  When God changes our hearts through the gospel, it changes everything. 

I’m grateful that those waves are going to keep crashing in Milwaukee and the hammers are going to keep swinging in New Richmond and that through each, the name of Jesus is going to be exalted for our good and His glory.  And I am overwhelmed that God invites a small, small person like me in!     

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