The shadows will take
your breath away. The simple echoes will
stop you in your tracks. The slightest
touch will make you lose sense of time.
This world is not our home.
Everything we experience here is a shadow of a Reality. It’s an echo of a Voice. It’s a slight touch from a Person. I caught a small glimpse of this glory when
we moved out of our home and into a new one.
Moving is not fun. Especially with three little kids who cannot
understand why they will no longer be able to play on their swings or draw on
their driveway. So Kristy and I did the
best that we could to shield them from seeing us taking down their beds,
hauling out their rocking chairs, and packing away their clothes.
Kristy distracted the
kids while I took apart what made up their bedrooms and hauled it over to the
home that we will be staying in until we relocate to Milwaukee. An extremely hospitable and generous family
is allowing us to live with them as we transition. And more than allowing us to live with them,
they are making us feel like their home is ours.
When I walked into what
would be the kids’ room, I saw that it was thoughtfully decorated with pictures
like this, one for each little heart.
our bed was a note that read, “Welcome Home.”
These little touches stopped me in my tracks and for a moment, made me
loose sense of time. Because this was a
shadow, an echo, a touch of Eternity.
Jesus said that He was
going away so that He could prepare a place for us. I cannot even fathom what we will see and
feel when we walk into our new home on the New Earth, Heaven! If even the shadows are beautiful, how much
greater will the Reality be? If Jesus
made this majestic universe in six days, how incredible will the New Earth be
that He’s been working on for over two thousand years!
This is what we are
here for. This place is not our
home. As we prepare to transition away
from what has become our home and family, God is allowing us to feel these
great truths. We weren’t created for
this place. We weren’t created to say
goodbye. We were created for glory. To experience, enjoy and proclaim the glory
of the One True King! I cannot wait our
faith becomes our sight!
May was a crazy busy
month. In one 10 day streatch, we
traveled over 600 miles and transitioned our family into four different homes
that included staying with three different families. And God’s amazing grace carried us through
every step of the way.
We spent the first week
of May in Milwaukee. During that time we
hung out with our launch team, took prayer walks through our target
neighborhood, and explored the city. I
was also able to preach at Woodridge Community Church, put a framework in place
to partner with several churches during the launch team phase of the plant, and
meet with many individuals who are interested partnering with us to see God
raise up a new church on the west side of Milwaukee!
When we returned to New
Richmond, things didn’t slow down. We
packed up and moved out of our house. On
May 14th, we closed on our house!
Yay God for wrapping that up! And
then on May 15th we had our offer accepted on a new house in
Milwaukee. Talk about a whirlwind. God has been moving mountains this
That following weekend
I had the privilege of preaching at Faith Community Church in Hudson. Their elders graciously allowed me to share
our church planting dreams with their church and even open up the door for us to
develop more partnerships with more people.
We have also been still
pounding the pavement with raising support.
And God continues to stir up a heart of generosity in people. To date, we are at 83% of our support. Praise God and thank you to all of our
faithful and generous partners. I am
humbled and amazed by how supportive and generous so many have been.
Crossing the 75% mark
was our last hurdle with support at this stage of our work. Now, from our denomination’s perspective, we
are able to move on site. From our
church’s perspective, though, we still have some things to wrap up. But if everything keeps on progressing as it
has, we should be able to relocate in August.
Because we have crossed
the 75% mark with support, we move into a different category of support needs
altogether. To this point, we have
simply focused on raising our salary.
But we also need to have on our radar all startup funds and operational
expenses. I won’t be able to determine
what those needs are until we are on site, so it will no longer be able to
provide an accurate percentage. Because
of this, I will no longer be providing a percentage update with our support
For the month of June I
am going to try to “downshift.” One of
the concerns that our elders had about us planting is that I don’t have a
“second gear.” I’m all or nothing. I either run 100 MPH, or sleep. Over the course of this next month, I’m going
to try to simply remain faithful to fulfill my job description and continue to
raise support, but not run at the back-breaking pace that I have for the past
several months.
Kristy and I would
really like to have the flexibility in our schedule to be able to spend some
time with the people we love here before we transition to Milwaukee. This won’t happen by accident, so we are
going to try to be intentional to leave well.
Thank you all for your
support. Thank you Jesus for caring us
through. Thank you God for being
faithful to your Word! We can’t do this
without you – and we wouldn’t want to!